Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who do you influence.

John Sawyer, one of our youth, and I have spent several hours together today while I have been teaching him the art of sermon writing. John is doing a great job and I am looking forward to the day he preaches at HHBC.

As he works I am reminded of the importance of leading by example. In first Corinthians 11:1 Paul tells the Corinthians to follow him as he follows Christ.

It is a monumental responsibility to say follow me, but the truth is that all of us are leading someone whether we know it or not.

There is always someone watching how you live and looking to you as an example. If you have kids they are watching, the people that you work with they are watching, who ever you are there is someone watching.

Pay attention to how you live because you never know when you are being watched and what you might be teaching those who are watching.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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