Monday, October 27, 2008

Fishing With Charley

Charley and I had an incredible time fishing this last week. Men if you are not excited about our men’s fishing trip then you should be. We will have a great time for sure.

I am continually amazed by God’s handiwork. I think, that is why I like to be outside so much. Looking at the heavens and earth and all that his hand has created causes me to stand in awe of his power and might.

What am I? Who are we to experience the Love of Jesus Christ? It is unfathomable that the creator of the universe would care about man and our tormented lives. But he does. He cares enough about us to send his son to earth and the cross for us. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.

God also cares about our daily lives and how we treat one another. Are you living like you know God’s love for you? Are you living like you know everything you have comes from God? Are you allowing God to have control over your life? Let the creator of the heavens and the earth, and everything in them guide your life and your actions.

Charley and I were able to experience a beautiful lake, sunset, fishing trip, and catch some incredible fish, all because of the creator’s love for mankind. “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

The other day at Men’s Ambassadors for Christ, we had a great time of fellowship and encouragement. If you missed it, you missed a great time.

One of the purposes of the church is fellowship. It is vital to the Christian life, to share in our experiences with others who are followers of Christ; we share in joys and sorrows, we share in hurts and pains, as well as in growth and gains. That is part of what being the family of God is all about. It is important because is you want to walk closely with God then you have to spend time around people who will encourage you to do so.

When a chef wants to sharpen his knife he rubs it against a sharpening steel, which is made of the same material as the knife. If we want to sharpen our lives we have rub against people who are directing their lives in the same direction we want to go.

You should always be careful that you don’t rub yourself too much against people heading in the wrong direction or you will become dull instead of sharp. However the knife that never cuts meat or engages in an activity that will dull it, is useless. A good knife is one that can hold an edge while working but also retunes often to the steel for sharpening.

We have several events that are coming up in the next few months that will provide opportunities for you to rub up against fellow followers of Christ, have a great time, and remain sharp.

Church Picnic: October, 26 5:00
Men’s Fishing Trip: November 7-8 contact David Falkenberg
Granbury Live: November 15, contact Patsy Hilburn
Thanksgiving Dinner: November 23, 5:00pm followed by 5th Sunday Sing.
Hanging of the Greens: November 30, 5:00pm
White Elephant Ornament Exchange: December 14, 5:00pm
Candle Light Service: December 21, 6:00pm