Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Courage to make it to the top.

This past weekend the HHBC youth group went "rock" climbing. What I mean by that is that we went to a climbing club in town and climbed artificial rock walls.

So, I am a little afraid of hights, when I first tried out the climbing wall, my wife Layney was on belay. Now I trust my wife. I would never say otherwise. However she is very tinny and I…well I am not. So when I got halfway up the wall I began to fear. All the scenarios I could come up with that ended in death played through my head. I convinced myself that it was too hard I was too tired, Layney didn't want to belay, I would have another chance, anything else that would work and I stoped climbing half way up the wall. I gave up. Despite all the safety gear despite the trust I have in my wife I gave up.

We too often in life allow our reason and fear mix and talk ouselves out of taking risks. We let our fear stop us from going where God wants us to go. We give up when the blessings God has for us is right around the next corner.

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The awesome truth is that we are more than conquerors because of Jesus. We have the ultimate safty harness, weapon, friend, guide, master, Lord, protector, provider, the ultimate God. There is nothing we should ever fear when it is directed by God. In fact our only fear should be getting out of His will.

I did get back on the wall and I fell. And then I got back on the wall and I climbed all the way to the top. (pictured below) I didn't have to fear I had safety. And it took a couple of tries but reaching the top was awesome.

In your life there are things that you have wanted to do things that you have dreamt of. Maybe it invovles your job, asking for a raise or trying a new project. Maybey you have wanted to chang something about yourself your weight or the number of books you read. Maybe you know there are risks that you need to take. Don't fear. If you are following God you can not fail. You may fall but he will always catch you.

Step out. Be bold. Climb to the top.

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