Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. Matthew 14:29
Routine is a good thing. At least in some situations it is. For example with exercise, the more consistency you can develop in your workout routine the more likely you will be to go and work out. However, routine can also cause you to hit a plateau, a place where you level off and stop growing.
Just like in a workout, routine can be both good and bad in your spiritual life. If you have the routine of daily bible study and prayer, it is a great thing. Much like weight lifting you only get stronger if you are working out daily. But we can also reach a point of plateau in our spiritual lives. We become complacent with where we are and how God is using us and we level out. The plateau is easy and comfortable but it is also stale.
When was the last time that God did something major in your life, something that rejuvenated your spirit and made your grow by leaps and bounds? If you are having trouble thinking of a time then maybe you have reached a plateau in your spiritual life.
When working out the only way to get past a plateau is to change something about the workout, do something you wouldn’t normally do. In your spiritual life if you are at a plateau then it is time to step out in a new way and take your relationship with God to the next level.
If you do not practice a daily quiet time with God then it is time to start. If you do that but haven’t served in your church yet, then find a ministry to get involved in. Where ever you are, take it to the next level.
I think if we are honest with ourselves then most Christians have reached a plateau in our spiritual lives. My challenge to you today is break the plateau by doing something you might normally never do. Invite a stranger to church with you this Sunday, if they won’t come invite another until your find someone to come with you. Offer to buy them lunch, I don’t care pay them to go with you. What ever it takes bring someone to your church this Sunday and you just may be a part of God changing someone’s life forever. What would be more invigorating than that? What could launch you off that plateau more than that?
It may be uncomfortable to walk up to a stranger and invite them to church or to start a conversation with that neighbor that you only ever see when they mow the lawn, but when God asks us to do something uncomfortable and we do it. Then miracles are usually the result.
Jesus went walking out to the disciples on the water. Peter opened his big mouth and said “Lord if it is you tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus called his bluff and told him to “come.” Then something amazing happened. Despite the waves, despite the wind, despite the fact that people can’t walk on water, despite the fact that the boat was comfortable and he was just fine there in the boat, Peter got out of the boat. Jesus asked him to do something out of the ordinary something uncomfortable, and Peter got out of the boat. Because of his willingness to get out of the boat, out of the box, or out of his comfort zone; Peter “walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”
If we will get out of the boat, then we will experience miracles. Remember if God asks you to do something uncomfortable then get ready because he is about to work a miracle in you, if you will only get out of the boat.
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