Do you doubt? Oh, come on I know you do, even I have doubts from time to time. Sure they span a range of severity from doubting something uncertain to total doubt, but they are doubts. Usually these doubts come in waves when I’m tired, frustrated, down, or sometimes come randomly with no apparent reason. But no matter when they come it is always a shock to me. I am surprised by the thoughts and questions that bombard my inner dialogue with the intensity of a full military assault, and for a moment my heart is at unrest, I am shaken.
It is moments like these that we ask God for a sign, a symbol, proof that I can trust you, proof you are real, proof I’ll make it through this time. We make agreements with ourselves, if I just saw this, heard that, or if this happened, then I would never doubt again.
I am reminded of Thomas. Who when the disciples told him they had seen Jesus after the resurrection, responded “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Later Jesus does appear to Thomas, and he does put his fingers in the nail holes, and he does believe.
The truth is, I have had many experiences in my life that leave me with no question, God is real, Jesus is my savior, and he uses me to fulfill his purpose. I have seen the proof time and time again, but in those waves of doubt it seems our senses leave us, and we ask again, for proof. Jesus replied to Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
The real question is. Do you really need proof from God, or did you know all along, have you seen the proof many times in your life?